Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Explain the significance of purity and pollution in the caste system Essay
Explain the significance of rectitude and pollution in the association body - Essay ExampleBut as time passed, the caste system became a water tight social compartment.Caste system is not peculiar to India. It existed and sleek over exists in parts of Egypt, Europe etc, though in some milder spend a pennys. The world caste owes its origin to the Portuguese word casta meaning lineage (Ghurye, 1999, 31). PA Sorokin in his book Social Mobility writes Unstratified society with real equivalence of the members is a myth which never been realized in the history of mankind and when class is somewhat purely hereditary, we may call it casteMany theories have been promulgated to account for the origin of the caste system in India (Dumont, 1961, 75). The political guess states it was a shrewd trick of upper class Brahmins. The occupational theory traces it origin to the familys occupation. The racial theory traces its origin to the fact that different races organize their own race to for m a separate caste. The mythical theory points towards its creation by the god to perform different functionsAnd detain of all comes, the Evolutionary Theory. This theory maintains caste system as a social phenomenon, the origin of which lies in social evolution which came into being through a long and slow evolutionary process. It is quite accomplishable that during the evolutionary process some ugly things did make their entry into the system. The one and probably the worst was the customs of untouchability. With improvement in education, this social evil has almost disappeared from the society. Right from the beginning of twentieth century British officials have used the term backward classes to indicate low status backwards castes, and depressed classes to mean the former untouchables or plan castes (now dalits). They do not seem to have been particular near the terms used, and such drippiness has continued in independent India. It so worth noting that terms such as Backwa rd classes and Scheduled Castes also served as euphemisms for such unpleasant realities as low castes ands untouchables (Beteille, 1965, 46).Still the caste system is not without its merit, which should not be ignored. It was based on the division of labor and thus enabled society to function efficiently. It make labor more efficient as the hereditary skill in at was transformed from aim to son. Castes served as the social insurances in the society and helped their members in time of need. The caste system solved the line of choosing careers and the problem of unemployment did not arise.The system provided united action against exploitation. Also by eliminating competition, it protected the poor. Thus for a Hindu the caste system has proved, his club, his trade union, his benefit society and his philanthropic society (Ghurye, 1999, 67) To sum up, in each linguistic area there were about two hundred groups called castes with distinct names, birth in one of which, usually determine d the status in society of a given individual, which were divided into about two thousand smaller units- generally known as sub- castes-fixing the limits of marriage and effective social keep and making for specific cultural tradition. These major groups were held together by the possession, with few exceptions, of a common priesthood. at that place was a sort of an overall counting which grouped all of them into five or six classes overtly expressed or tacitly understood. Over a large part of the
Monday, April 29, 2019
Its Wrong, But Everybody Does It Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Its Wrong, But Everybody Does It - move ExampleThe participants are not so much in agreement about the most grateful kinds of cheating because the standard deviation is higher.11 Males report higher tolerance of cheating because of need to psyche the class, fear of being put on academic probation and needing a good grade to maintain athletic eligibility. These are all status related factors.12 Males report higher tolerance of cheating twain in terms of copying homework and copying an exam. This shows they are willing to take more risk. It is fire also that males show significantly more willingness to let others copy their homework. They support each other to fall upon male status.15 The results suggest that students cheat for different reasons, and that they rate various motives differently. This suggests that more research is necessitate to understand why some types of motive are seen as more acceptable than
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Research Paper - Essay ExampleArrest, detention and seizure are governed by stringent regulations and limitations which, according to Pilon (2000) are primarily intended to protect the citizenry against un savvyable searches, unjustifiable detentions and importantly, against the conjecture of law enforcements abusing its powers. It is in relation to the stated that Turkey stands in direct contrast to Canada. This Eurasian nation has been cited for human recompenses abuses on countless occasions and both Amnesty International and the European commission for Human Rights have repeatedly shed light on abuses vis--vis all of search, seizure and detention (ECHR, 2003 U.S. subdivision of State, 2007). A comparison of the arrest, detention and seizure framework in Canada and Turkey will serve to emphasise the imperatives of limiting police authority through the clear explication of the citizenrys civic rights for the prevention of abuses which render into nothing less than inexcusable miscarriages of justice.The rules which govern arrest, detention and seizure in Turkey are grounded in the countrys constitution. The Turkish Constitution clearly outlines the civic rights of the citizenry and outlines the limitations on police authority. As Kinzer (2002) explains, arbitrary arrests are prohibited with no statements of exception. Law enforcement must have a clear reason for arresting citizens and must establish, before a judge that the citizen in question has violated the laws of the nation and accordingly, that in that location are legitimate grounds for the issuance of an arrest warrant. If a warrant is granted, law enforcement has the legitimate right to take the suspect into custody where he/she may be detained for a maximum plosive speech sound of 7.5 days. This period can only be renewed if law enforcement uncovers evidence pertaining to the detained suspects highly probable culpability in a crime. Not only that but law enforcement must
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Leadership and Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
leadership and Management - Assignment ExampleConflict in occupancy organizations is a common phenomenon that can trick up from various reasons and in mingled with antithetic members of the organization, be it between the leaders and the employees, among the co-workers, or between the organisational members and the customers (Ingram 2013). Need for conflict management through effective leadership and management is thus highly essential for every business organization. The present study focuses on an understanding of conflict handling in business organizations through effective leadership and management, based on a scenario of conflict in a elect business organization. Scenario ABC Company Limited is a softw atomic number 18 friendship performing more than a decade and has successfully achieved its position in BPOs and software development companies. The financial and technical background of the company is very strong and the skilled manpower of the company is focused on to prov iding its customers with the best of software products and services. and so commitment and goodwill are two essential factors that the management team of the company takes significant furbish up of. A, B, C, D and E are the members of the organization and hold different positions. ... According to E, while B provided them with wholly instructions for the completion of the project they were working on, D was arrogant and acting as a imprint when B was not around. E also complained that D treated E in a demeanor as if E was working under D and not as an another(prenominal) team member. E was highly disappointed and wanted to get out of the particular project as he eyeshot he was nothing less in capabilities than D, and that if B was the project head, E was only supposed to come after B. A found that the project should not get hindered for any such conflicts among the members, and asked B and C to presently resolve all issues, such that the work on the project could continue. S ince the completion of the project was very important, B and C decided to separate D and E, and put E on a different project, where the other member working was new in the company, and hence were expected not to create any issue. The interactions between the members are provided in Appendix A. Conflict Handling Management Theories Conflicts in business organizations, as the in a higher place mentioned scenario describes, occur when two or more individuals working together differ in their behavior and attitudes that are reflected in their opinions and actions, affecting the others. Conflicts in interpersonal relationships need to be handled strategically otherwise which the relations king be affected, affecting the organizational goals as a whole. It is extremely essential that organizational employees have valuate for each other (Managing Conflict in Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace 2013). The Conflict touch on There are usually many stages that complete the conflict pro cess. Sources lead to the conflict that is followed by different
Friday, April 26, 2019
Is it possible to be Muslim feminist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Is it possible to be Muslim feminist - bear witness ExampleThis is especially due to the rise of womens rights awareness throughout the world. However, what is neglected when feminist cerebrate issues are discussed regarding Islamic oppression of women is the situation of women throughout the world in contemporary sentences which light-emitting diode to the need for a separate feminist movement. Simultaneously, the situation of women in the past and in the pre-Islamic era alike needs to be given sufficient weightage in order to understand the notions of modern day womens lib and the teachings of Islam.Firstly, let us take a look at the situation of women in Pre-Islamic Arabia. The women at the time were not considered a part of society. Rather they were considered assets, possessions and ornaments to embellish, use and discard as a source of manly power. The culture which was largely prevalent at the time was a tribal. But not a mixed bag of tribal culture which is visible in our current day world situation, as for instance, in destroyed Afghanistan. The tribal cultures motto was to put first, and foremost, the unity and brotherhood of the tribe. The tribe was an entity in its declare right. However, it did not have the infrastructure that any highly developed society of modern times would have. person rights and properties were not maintained rigidly since the clan consisted of all blood relatives. The quality, which included women, remained within the bonds of the tribe and its office staff figures who were known as the sheikhs.Female infanticide was a common practice of the time. Female children were considered disgraceful and unwanted. Male children be a form of power, wealth, and richness in fertility. As the sole heir of the family they were given full property rights as daughters were being swiped off from the face of the earth. But the main reasons behind killing female infants were relevant to poverty, pride, and the avoidance of
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Interest Groups and Their Role in American Politics Research Paper
Interest Groups and Their reference in Ameri stand Politics - Research Paper ExampleA particular example of an arouse group is the organization SAGE (Service and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders). . It is the largest and oldest organization in America devoted to promoting the benefit of LGBT senior citizens and make sure that their voices do non get lost in a din of voices. SAGE formed itself in 1978 not only to deliver services to LGBT elders in New York metropolis but also to push for policy reforms at the national level, and provides technical assistance to similarly-minded groups all all over the country. It is not however a simple issue of sterile technical assistance. Considering the historical marginalization of LGBT communities and their capacity to the hate agenda of conservative groups, SAGE employs a radical organizing comp wholenessnt as well (Reisch, 2005 288) that is to say, the second-stringer of oppressive institutions, conditions, s ystems and practices with ones that reflect principles of justice, equity and respect for human diversity. SAGE works in tandem with early(a) organizations in order to further the shared goal. After all, theirs is a shared commitment towards addressing the needs and elate the well-being of LGBT elderly and pushing for equality and tolerance, regardless of age differences. It is through the consolidation of their voices that change can be sought and demands can be made to reform policies or introduce new ones. match with this, SAGE is also following the strategy of pushing for their advocacy on three levels city/local, fix and federal level. This is a sound strategy in that it acknowledges that policy is generated in multiple fulcrums of effect an if one is to push an agenda, then pressure tactics must be applied on the multiple fulcrums and not just one one. While interest groups are in theory a crucial ingredient in any thriving democracy, many have criticized how some interes t groups have created adverse personal effects in the American political terrain. Sustein (1985 29) writes The dissatisfaction takes various forms, but many of the concerns have a common gouge in the problems produced by the existence of interest groups, or factions, and their influence over the political process. The scheme is challenged on the grounds that it allows powerful private organizations to block necessary government action that the lawmaking process has been modify into a series of accommodations among competing elites, and that the rise of a large bureaucracy exercising broad discretionary power has undermined original constitutional goals by circumventing the safeguards of separation
HEMO TECH CASE 12-04 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
HEMO TECH CASE 12-04 - question Paper ExampleIn this contract, HEMO had identified a number of deliverable however not solely potential deliverables be in the arrangement. The contract involves multiple- deliverable revenue arrangement as stipulated in (ASC) beat Update No. 2009-13 in October 2009.Considering whether deliverable situations meets the criteria is vital since if they do not meet them ,they do not qualify as a separate unit of accounting and could be united with other deliverables in the arrangement. Though this has be adhered to by HEMO following the selling price hierarchy of Vendor Specific intent Evidence, third party evidence and best estimate is vital for the whole process to work abruptlyStandard codification (ASC) 605-25, which involves the arrangement of multiple elements.ASU 2009-13 provides guidelines that require separate arrangements for multiple deliverables by classifying them into individual units and allocating an inwardness on each as a unit of accounting (Barker, 1990).The deliverable units that HEMO has identified are Installation,50 boxes of equipment supplies, quintette units of equipment, one year monitor and test services, report services and three-year screen. However in my opinion, there are other potential deliverables that HEMO has not taken into consideration or identified. In this case, HEMO is to deliver services and before doing, so, its vital for it to evaluate all deliverables to establish whether they present separate units of accounting. As per the five deliverable mentioned, this can be said to be separate units of accounting, and they should have value to customer on a standalone basis where this means due to the items value. It can be sold as a separate item by any other vender.One of the potential deliverables is the EXTRACTs purchases that exceed the initially request 50 boxes of the supplies. The reason is that the 33% percent discount will emanate from the first purchases. In attachment it will
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Arthur Miller's The Death Of A Salesman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Arthur Millers The Death Of A Salesman - Essay ExampleAlthough these created mental pictures that be disturbing, the whole production does not border on being maudlin. The combinations of these impressions were effectively utilized in the solve in order to reveal the ideas of self-deception and illusion. The play tells of Willy who dwells in the medieval to escape the financial quandary he faces. Willy has an erroneous and rather odd notion of success, which for him requires only wealth and popularity. Linda, Willy Lomans wife, tries to persuade herself that her spouse is psychologically fit. Willys predicament affects his two sons as a result - Happy who desires to linger in the fantasy earthly concern constructed by Willy - and Biff who eventually craves to detach himself from this delusion and accept the reality of Willys problems which include his affair, his deteriorating c areer, and the familys dreadful monetary condition.Willys predicament is delineated in this powerful presentation produce by Miss O Productions. Eddie Jones as Willy leads the many compelling performances. Jones has certainly gone beyond the taxing requirements of this immense character. As Willy, Jones is especially agreeable which made his portrayal uniquely convincing. Although Jones exuded a very highbrow version of the role, this cerebral representation of Willy did not impede him from identifying effectively with Lomans persona. Jones was indeed Willy personified.Ivan Baccarat and Aaron McPherson take the roles of Biff and Happy, Willys imprudent and miserable sons. Both are brilliant actors whose brotherly interaction easily convinces the audience. The strong and determined character of Linda is played by Anne turn Byrd who sometimes exhibited vulnerability. This frailty becomes Ms Byrds strength, in fact, as the audience failed to fit her in any good-natured of stereotypical behavior. Linda was responsible for keeping Willy from pursuing his dream in Alaska, and Ms Byrd conveyed an intermittent intimation of dissatisfaction, which resulted to Willys knock outbursts toward her more comprehensible. Jeremy Shouldis and Bob Machray are flawless in the roles as Bernard and Uncle Ben, and Alan Charof is a standout performance for the role of Willys ace Charley.As Arthur Miller transformed the manner which contemporary plays were constructed - involving exquisite scenes and shifts in time - as when Willys past intermingle with the present in al virtually harmonious beauty, this innovation cannot be emulated easily in its most fluid form. However, the set for this production fit the play superbly the set designers constructed space as distinct as the plays fluidity of time. The set design was soundly and imaginatively planned but sometimes generates an effect of opacity. The walls and curtains bestow an unyielding firmness which contrasts with the trancelike configuration of the play. The production is replete with magical scenes emphasized by the flic ker of the lights. In the opening scene, Biff talks about(predicate) his dreams of owning a ranch while Linda tells her boys about her husbands great value. Ben then enters, amidst the playful glimmer of the light - its shades emphasizing this notable entrance. But at that place are also instances where prompts plunge, lines dont come easy, staging is dreary, fluidity is irregular and actors lose balance on the peg amidst the
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
A Historiographical Examination on Ernst Junger's Ideas Essay
A Historiographical Examination on Ernst Jungers Ideas - strain ExampleDuring and after the war, he wrote and edited many books and right-wing journals. These included Storm of Steel (1920), die totale Mobilmachung-1930 (The Total Mobilization), Der Arbeiter-1932 (The Worker), On Marble Cliffs-1947, On Pain, Der Vormarsch amongst others. Through his real life and writing, he has influenced German literary works and modern studies of WWII. The backbone of his writings, ideas and ideologies are greatly influenced by his array career and experiences in WWII. His writings work a peek into his thoughts and ideologies, and these have been reviewed by many writers and critics who in the end judge him variously as a militarist, a nationalist, or as a fascist. And others say he is among the greatest writers of modern Germany and a personification of the conservative revolutionary movement. Nevin asserts that Junger is one of the most contentious 21st Century writers in europium with a remarkable writing career spanning five periods of the history of modern Germany1. In his book, Ernest Junger and Germany Into the Abyss, Nevin avers that Ernst Junger was politically stupid writer par- excellence. He treats him not as the national institution the public and press viewed him, nevertheless as a contradictory figure whose actions include his parable attacking despotism in 1939 and refusing to labor union the Nazi party when he was assumed to be a fascist. These confirm Jungers contradictory and controversial nature2. Though a brilliant writer, Ernst Junger is dismissed as militarist and nationalist, a trait clearly witnessed in his Die totale Mobilmachung-1930 (The Total Mobilization) and Der Arbeiter-1932 (The Worker). In the two books, Junger paints a dictatorial state coordinated along military lines embodied by the star worker3.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Death In The Line Of Duty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Death In The Line Of avocation - Research Paper ExampleThe bodies were later discovered in the burn get on when the drive out was suppressed. They alone were wearing appropriate and complete personal protective Equipment and the twain victims met the required State and department qualifications for the exercise.The two Florida firefighters were trapped and overwhelmed by the fire progressa flashover which led to smoke inhalation and thermal injuries. The flashover was bring forth by horizontal ventilation, which happened within a very short span of time after the open up of the window in the fire room. It must be noted that between the growth phase and the full developed phase of a fire is what is known as flashoveroccurs when all the combustible materials in the room is ignited, simultaneously reaching their ignition temperatures up to 1000F (International Association of Fire Chiefs, Fundamentals 137).darn LT Mickel and FF Begg had their experience and qualifications as firef ighters with their full protective clothing, there was a problem on the way the solid team handled the training exercise. They failed to anticipate the potential fire behavior in the burn room delinquent to miscalculations. The Office of the State Fire Marshall and NIST concluded that a flashover has occurred due to excessive render loads. The fire analysis conducted by NIST revealed that the gases were so fuel rich in the burn room that it took the fire seconds to blend with the oxygen and flashover (NIOSH 4).The fuel consisted of five wooden pallets, a bale of straw, and a twin-size urethane foam, which however been augmented by interior materials such as carpeting, foam urethane padding, hollow core closet doors, wood molding, wall-mounted head identity cards, and painted gypsum board on the walls and ceiling mattress resulting in flashover when the window was vented (NIOSH 3).In fine, the energy level produced by these fuel loads was far beyond the design capabilities of the victims gears making it
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Questions on Global Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Questions on Global Issues - Essay Exampleegitimacy as a source of national identity, will open doors for other mediums such as religion and cultivation to fill the void for nationalism and further threaten the state.This struggle is reminiscent of what Samuel Huntington wrote in his book The coming upon of Civilization, he notes that in the post-Cold War era, wars and conflicts will be fought not because of economic or ideological reasons, precisely because of cultural phenomenon brought about by clashes among civilizations. He argues that Western instruments of modernity will create conflicts with the non-Western world referable to the isolation and aggression that it will create. With globalization bringing nations and cultures together, non-Western cultures may feel isolated and threatened. In set to protect themselves, and with no apparent formal channel to do so under the nation-state, religion beingness inextricably linked and identified with culture, becomes a crucial r efuge and a powerful tool to skirmish back.However, due to the changes in todays world deeper integration between nations and economies, rapid developments in communications and technology (including instruments of war), blurring of national borders, and a growing animosity towards the Western world due to the spread of information among different nations and cultures conflict, including those propelled by ghostlike beliefs, have taken a new and more complicated face. phantasmal warfare, unlike the traditional conduct of war, has become more complicated to address because, as Mark Juergensmeyer notes, religious struggle (1) gives the moral authority for extremists to embark on catastrophic acts with biblical proportions, (2) takes generations to succeed, and (3) provide both a personal and symbolic redemption for its perpetrators. By elevating their struggles to a cosmic war, religious extremists not only snarf their fight to be one of good against evil, they also impact public consciousness, bringing awareness, and at propagation sympathy, to
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Compare and contrast both caracter sarzan the mad man and sarzan the Essay
Compare and contrast both caracter sarzan the insane piece and sarzan the pris wizr - Essay ExampleSo, a stranger to the land of Africa should not question or comment unfavorably on the age-old traditions. Keita returns to his village after completing his duty with the army, and stays to move on a road. He strongly criticizes the superstitious practices of the people like sacrificing animals, and is not tired of repeatedly copulation them that it is the practice of the savages. He is disgusted with such cruel practices. Overwhelmed by his re-exposure to traditions, he goes crazy and looks like the have individual. The local people call him Sarzan. For his act of disrespect to traditions he must get punishment. Kieths scene had broadened, as he was the part of the French Army and seen action in many places of the public. When he returns to his inseparable village, he is quite unhappy to accept the ways of the people sticking to traditions and follow them unquestioningly. No on e is leave aloneing to accept his reformation processes and unable to bear their stout resistance Keita loses his mental balance. In that tradition-bound world it was no ordinary sin to take a stand against the old tribal gods and customs. The spirits of the ancestors will not condone the serious lapse on his part. The local people are not automatic to accept him as the normal human being. He is an individual who has lost sensesa mad man according to them.
Friday, April 19, 2019
What are the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism Assignment
What are the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism - Assignment ExampleThis suggests that while the speaker may use Spanish at home, the same someone may use English while at school. In addition, bilingualism may arise out of somebody choice to study a wording other than the primary language. In the end, bilingualism has both its advantages and disadvantages.The ability to hap in two different languages is the immediate benefit of bilingualism. The expanded communication ability enables a disciple access a larger world than usual. In addition, it enables a student enjoy enriching cultures from different communities. This enhances learning, as a student is able to understand different contexts when applied to cultural education. Language is essential since it gives discernment into other peoples experiences, perspectives, history, and culture (Fish & Morford, 2012, P.4, L.23-26). For instance, the bilingual ability could be crucial to deaf students who would craving to d evelop relationships with their peers who speak the English language. Studies have recommended bilingualism for deaf children. When such children learn both ASL and English, the aptitude in the second language becomes an indicator of the mastery of ASL (Baker, 2011, P. 3, L.66-67). Proper acquisition of ASL also supports the proficiency in English.Studies show that bilingualism stimulates language production in both languages. This suggests that a speakers brain becomes more propagate to handling information from two languages (Byrd, 2012, P. 20, L. 13-14). In this sense, a bilingual activates dual grammar systems. This is essential when such a speaker uses two languages simultaneously. Simultaneous, in this perspective, means that a bilingual speaker smoothly transitions from one language to another. When bilinguals develop such control, they can easily communicate to individuals who have only mastered a whiz language. This is a significant factor in translation.Bilingualism, ho wever, burdens the learner. Burden occurs in terms of
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Audit & Assurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Audit & Assurance - Essay ExampleTherefore US introduced the Sarbanes Oxley Act in 2002 and UK, in 2003, set up two reviews- RRAP (Regulatory Regime of Accountancy Profession) and CGAA (Coordinating Group on Audit and Accounting) (Gray & Manson, 2007, p.140). The audit committee consists of poster of directors who argon entrusted with the oversight of monetary reports preparation and disclosures. The more reliable the information is the more it is useful and through the auditing this purpose is achieved. The shareholders of a company are its owners who appoint the stewards in the form of directors and have it awayrs to manage the company on their behalf. The problem arises when the stewards place their personal interests before the owners interests. And as the managers are at an expediency over shareholders in terms of information the auditing (both internal and external) functions become all the more strategic. The recent financial crisis has led to the requirement of enhanci ng the transparency on the managers activities and their risk management. The identification, analysis and management of the in operation(p) as well as strategic risk are the key to avoid failures of firms if the crises were to occur in future. The audit committee alone is not responsible to prevent the economical downturn but plays an important role by challenging the assumptions and estimates the auditors under include as part of the audit process as the economic environment changes with time (FRC, 2011). Objectives of the Paper This paper has mainly five objectives. Firstly, to understand the rights and responsibilities of the audit committee and their immenseness in todays volatile financial environment. Secondly, why firms need audit committees and what they are doing to change audit committees enduringness. Thirdly, the meaning and importance of Audit Assurance has been explained. Fourthly, there is an explanation of the audit process both internal as well as external. Fi fthly, the role of regulators and audit firms in bringing more effectiveness in audit process and transparency in financial disclosures so that the investors able able to take informed decisions. Rights and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee The Financial Reporting Council has provided the guidelines on Audit Committees. The rights of audit committee are as follows 1. All the directors and management staff are obligated to keep the audit committee flop informed even if not asked. They must be cooperative with the audit committee. 2. The opinions of the audit committee should be listened and discussed by both the management and the board. 3. The audit committee has a right to intervene if it finds any variate in the audit and financial controls process. And if not satisfied by the explanations given by the management whence it may seek independent advice. 4. The work of the audit committee gets time consuming and intensive thus management must provide them with the necessary resources including the payment. There should also be a provision of summoning and training of the new audit committee members in the company. The training may be continued if required. The board of the company should establish an audit committee with at least two to three members in book of facts with the nomination
Self assignment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Self subsidization - Term Paper Exampleresult, I like to come up with new ways of result conundrums, and this often calls for innovation, as such I would like to think of myself as an innovative someone. However, sometimes I t halt to go overboard and end up making matter worse with my innovation this is because I can get distracted and in my attempt to use new ways ignore centenarian ones which may be better and more convenient. As I grew up, I was an avid reader of books and I often tried to practice some of the ideas I learnt in real life or to better on them. For example, in junior high school, I along with 3 of my classmates won the annual skill prize for coming up with a homemake solar powered lamp and water heater made from locally available materials including old disused solar panels.This attributes can be explained by my IEI, emotional comprehension test which were rated ENTP, this means I am a creative resourceful and broad minded individual quick on his feet and I can think about a wide range of issues objectively. newborn ideas exited me and I do not shy away from debating on any issue, since I have no inhibitions about offering my opinion accepting criticism or even giving some. In the IIC5 test, it emerged that I am a patient and strategic individual I can spend hours on end mulling on a problem until I come up with a solution, as a result, I believe in looking for easier ways of carrying out tasks, but I do not swerve corners or ignore protocol in for the sake of quick results. This is because to me it was worth taking time and hunting expedition to get good final result than to rush over cutting corners only to come up with substandard answers. This is an approach I have tried and tested over the years more so in my studies where I prefer to strategize patiently and always have a contingency plan in case the original one does not work. Despite this, I sometimes procrastinate and self-deceive that I am being patient while in reality am just avoiding to tackle a problem head on especially when I feel
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
The Plan of Marching of the Poor of Martin Luther King Junior Coursework
The Plan of Marching of the scant(p) of Martin Luther King Junior - Coursework Example1968 was a yr with both good and bad occurrences. Good because it was the year when Martin Luther King Junior had led the plan of marching of the poor. Luther had intended to mobilize the poor in the States to move to Washington on a campaign he dabbed Poor Peoples Campaign. At the beginning of 1968, King had been able to travel widely so that he could get more than and more support from the poor in America. In his quest, King intended to bring broad and mixed racial together for a common course, a move that worked in uniting Americans for a common decision at a time when racism was at its height in United States of America.King was go on his argument to the wider American poor community with reference to how America had treated the majority poor severely without exposing them to resources to make them productive in the society. King had addressed matters that he believed were ailing America a s at that time. He pointed racism, poverty and war as the main problems of America. Specifically, he had condemned the involvement of America with the Vietnam war and depict the war as the most unjust war that America had involved itself with.The year was bad because in the same period when King was planning for the march, he was murdered. This made it had for the march to continue successfully. Led by Ralph Abernathy, the march went ahead but it was described as a failure. The march had been marred with rain. The media had given it a wide berth and the congress ignored the event.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Resume Cover Letter Essay Example for Free
Resume Cover Letter EssayThis letter is to express my interest in bringing my expertise as a Human election manager to your organization. I possess excellent interpersonal skills and am effective in management employment and payroll-related issues to obtain company goals and objectives.As you can gather from my attached resume, I have expertise in working(a) effectively with executive management and employees in resolving homosexual resource and payroll issues. I am a detail-oriented individual with a proven track record for ensuring accurate compliance with state human resource rules and regulations. In the past 12 years, I have gained invaluable experience as an utilization and Payroll Manager with management and training responsibilities for as many as 3000 employees.In addition to the skills note on my attached resume, I can also offer your organizationA goal-oriented Professional with a commitment to personal and professional growth and development.Excellent verbal a nd oral written communication skills. adept proficiencies in human resource and payroll computerized systems.It is my hope that my education and professional experience will come to you that I have the qualifications to make a valuable contribution as a Human Resource Director with your organization. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at the number listed above.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Gay male culture Essay Example for Free
comical male shade quizAmerican elaboration has focused oftentimes more heavily on zippy work force than on other members of the LGBT club. This may be due to larger numbers of men than women and it may also be due to gay men having more resources available to them to justify, explore and perform their sexuality. The western nuance as a whole still sees men and male experience as the central experience in culture, even if the men in question atomic number 18 transgressing established grammatical gender norms.Gay culture relies upon enigma symbols and codes woven into an overall straight context. The association of gay men with opera, ballet, professional sports, , medicamental theater, the Golden advance of Hollywood, and interior design began with wealthy mansexual men using the straight themes of these media to send their own signals. In the Marilyn Monroe film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, a musical filmfreakcentral. net number features a woman singing while muscled m en in revealing costumes dance around her.The mens costumes were designed by a man, the dance was choreographed by a man, and the dancers seem more elicit in each other than in the female star, nevertheless her reassure presence gets the sequence past the censors and fits it into an overall heterocentric theme. Today gay male culture is publicly acknowledged. Celebrities much(prenominal) as Liza Minnelli spent topix. net a significant amount of their social time with urban gay men, who were now normally viewed as sophisticated and stylish by the jet set. Celebrities themselves were open about their relationships.Gay men cant be identified by the way they look or what kind of music they like. on that point atomic number 18 gay men in every field and all sorts of fashions and music. Lesbian culture A homosexual is a woman who is romantically and sexually attracted solo to other women. The history of lesbian culture over the last half-century has been linked to the evolution o f feminism. Older stereotypes of lesbian women stressed a wave-particle duality in the midst of women who adhered to stereotypical male gender stereotypes ( dyke) and stereotypical female gender stereotypes (femme), and that typical lesbian couples consisted of butch/femme couples.Today, some lesbian women adhere to being either butch or femme, but these categories are much less rigid and there is no express expectation that a lesbian couple be butch/femme. There is a sub-culture within the lesbian community called Aristasia, where lesbians in the community adhere to mis declare levels of femininity. In this culture, there are two genders, blonde and brunette, although they are unrelated to actual hair color. Brunettes are femme, yet blondes are even more so. Also notable are diesel dykes, extremely butch women who use male forms of dress and behavior, and who often work as truck drivers.Lipstick lesbian refers to womanly women who are attracted only to other feminine women. Bise xual culture In modern western culture Bisexual mint are in the peculiar situation of receiving hatred or distrust Lunde 1990 or even outright denial of their existence from some elements of both(prenominal) the straight and lesbian and gay populations. There is of course some element of general anti-LGBT feeling, but some volume insist that bisexual hatful are unsure of their true feelings, that they are experimenting or going through a phase and that they ultimately will or should decide or discover which (singular) sex they are sexually attracted to.One popular misconception is that Lunde 1990 bisexuals suffer all humans sexually attractive. That is no truer than the idea that, say, all straight men would find all women sexually attractive. More hatful of all kinds are becoming aware that there are some people who find attractive sexual partners among both men and women sometimes equally, sometimes favoring genius sex in particular . Distinctions exist between sexual ori entation (attraction, inclination, preference, or desire), gender identicalness (self-identification or self-concept) and sexual behavior (the sex of champions actual sexual partners).For example, some wholeness who may find people of either sex attractive might in practice have relationships only with people of one particular sex. Many bisexual people consider themselves to be part of the LGBT or Queer community Barris, 2007. In an effort to create both more visibility, and a symbol for the bisexual community to cockle behind, Michael Page created the bisexual pride flag. The bisexual flag, which has a pink or red stripe at the top for quirk, a blue one on the bottom for heterosexuality and a purple one in the middle to represent bisexuality, as purple is from the combination of red and blue Lunde 1990.Transgender culture The poll of transgender culture is complicated by the many and various ways in which cultures deal with gender hrc. org. For example, in many cultures, peopl e who are attracted to people of the same sex that is those who in contemporary westerly culture would identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual are classed as a third gender, together with people who would in the West be classified as transgender or transsexual.Also in the contemporary West, there are usually hrc.org several different groups of transgender and transsexual people, some of which are extremely exclusive, like groups only for transsexual women who explicitly want sex reassignment surgery or male, heterosexual only cross-dressers. Transmens groups are often, but not always, more inclusive. Groups aiming at all transgender people, both transmen and transwomen, have in most cases appeared only in the last few years. Some transgender or transsexual women and men however do not divide as being part of any specific trans culture.However there is a distinction between transgender and transsexual people who make their past known to others . Some wish to live according to their gender identity and not reveal this past, stating that they should be able to live in their true gender entertainmentction in a normal way, and be in control of whom they choose to tell their past to. Epistemology of the closet.The conceptualisation being in the closet is used to describe keeping secret ones sexual behavior or orientation, most commonly homosexuality or bisexuality, but also including the gender identity of transgender and transsexual people branconolilas.no. sapo. pt. Being in the closet is more than being private, it is a life-shaping pattern of concealment where gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender individuals inter their sexuality/gender-identity in the most consequential areas of life, with family, friends, and at work. Individuals may marry or avoid plastered jobs in order to avoid suspicion and exposure.Some will even claim to be heterosexual when asked directly. It is the power of the closet to shape the core of an individuals life that has made hom osexuality into a significant personal, social, and policy-making drama in twentieth-century America.(Seidman 2003, p. 25). Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, in her book Epistemology of the closet, majorly focuses on male homosexuality. She is also an intellectual who is interested in gay and lesbian studies, grotesque studies, gender studies, and feminism. Sedgwick (Seidman 2003, p. 25) proposes that many of the major thoughts and knowledge in twentieth-century Western culture as a whole are structuredindeed fracturedby the now endemical crisis of homo/heterosexual definition, indicatively male, dating from the end of the nineteenth century.Incoherent ideas about homosexuality inform the way men are acculturated in the modern West, and (Seidman 2003, p. 25) since this is so, this incoherence has come to mark society generally. incoherence characterizes the attitude toward homosexuality in the West and is beyond debate. examples, are gay men ridiculous figures of fun or are they sexual mon sters who prey on young children? is the homosexual a limp-wrested effeminate discrepant for the armed forces, or the lothario of the showers who will gaze upon and/or rape his fellow servicemen? Is sexuality an orientation or is it a choice? are homosexuals born or are they made? essentialism or social constructionism? temper/nurture?. These are all part of the effect of this crisis in modern sexual definition. Sedgwick believes that it is impossible to dissolve between these (Seidman 2003, p. 25). In describing in general terms the mass of contradictions that adhere to homosexuality, she proposes that one consider it in terms of an op view between a minoritizing view and a universalizing one. A minoritizing view takes the position that homosexuality is of primary importance to a relatively small group of actual homosexuals.A universalizing view takes the position that homosexuality is of importance to persons across a wide range of sexualities. Under the universalizing view, one can compose nurture, social-construction, choice and a warrant for social engineering to eradicate homosexuality(Seidman 2003, p. 25). Sedgwick says that the current debate in queer theory, between constructivist and essentialist understandings of homosexuality is the most recent link(Seidman 2003, p. 25). She goes on to conclude that the continuation of this debate is itself the most important feature of recent understandings of sex.The aim of the book is to explore the incoherent dispensation under which we now live. Through an mental testing of a number of mostly late nineteenth century literary and philosophical works, including (Seidman 2003, p. 25).Melvilles BILLY BUDD, Wildes THE sketch OF DORIAN GRAY, various works of Nietzsche, James THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE, Thackerays LOVEL THE WIDOWER, and Prousts REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST, Sedgwick discovers a number of pairs of opponent terms (binarisms) which she then shows to be inconsistent with and dependent upon each other .I found it fascinating to notice her explication of the ways in which these terms were related. Among the pairings that she assembles and dissects for our consideration are secrecy/disclosure, private/public, masculine/feminine, majority/minority, white/initiation, natural/artificial, new/old, growth/decadence, urbane/provincial, health/illness, same/different, cognition/paranoia, art/kitsch, sincerity/sentimentality, and voluntarity/ habituation (Seidman 2003, p.25).She asserts that a true understanding of the force of the opposition of these terms must be grounded in the actualization and acceptance that the content of all of these terms was determined around the turn of the century amid and through spooky questioning over who and what was homosexual. These opposing terms, all of which operate today, therefore have a residue of the homo/hetero definitional crisis(Seidman 2003, p.25). In addition, Sedgwick perhaps delivers the coup de grace(Seidman 2003, p. 25), if such was nee ded, to sleek, masculine, modernist objective criticism. She demonstrates that modernist criticism finds its genesis in the homo/hetero definitional crisis and both its flight into and prizing of abstraction is a direct reflection of its homophobia.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Canadian Wood Toys INC. Essay Example for Free
Canadian Wood Toys INC. EssayI allow for begin by higher(prenominal)lighting the importance of the analyse in assessing the pretend and identifying the criterions in reducing and mitigating the take a chance that our company is facing. The impact of the risks on global line of products it is dramatic in our days, changing the entire look of the industries and financial services. Some risks could be anticipated and specify but whatever could non. Companies now ar using more and more key maltreats and principles to weaken manage the risks by *** identifying the risks relevant to the organization*** assess the signifi faecal matterce and implications of those risks to the business *** identify and establish a process for col get the pictureation on risk mitigation with other organizations and partners *** integrate Enterprise Risk focusing into the organization *** focus preferences on key risks in order to achieve the organizations objectives (Source PricewaterhouseCo opers potent ERM)Under IAA Standard 2120 Risk commissionThe internal canvas activity must label the effectiveness and contribute to the improvement of risk attention processes. Practice advisory 2120.C1 states During consulting engagements, internal canvasors must wield risk consistent with the engagements objectives and be alert to the existence of other significant risks. In manufacturing companies, production is usually the most important aspect of the entire process mostly due to the high cost incurred, the staffing and the complexity of the departments pertain Production is of vital concern to management be caseful of the important risks associated with the process. I take up identified some of the most important risks and how to manage the risks to minimize the impact. Along with theproduction process, other areas can be identified as posing risks distribution, finance, human resources I have identified below some of the risks with the highest impact in our co mpanyKEY RISKSMITIGATON (examples)The risk of manufacturing defective or substandard productsDetermine the cause of the quality defect (human error or machine) Trend analysis reports to address the recurrence of the defectsThe risk of lose deadlines for toys deliveries at Christmas time Review the production scheduling to agree with the specific job orders to avoid every dwellingproduction of toys that are not munimentd for deliveryThe risk of labor insecurity potential strikesReview labor contracts and minimum mesh government regulations negotiations with union and labor boardsThe risk of unknown competition on global marketsUse various econometric and statistical analysis to monitor the movement of market interestThe risk of foreign exchangeUse a foreign exchange contractAccept payment in one currency only (US)Hedging of foreign exchangeRisk of unanticipated or fast changes in regulations, codes or standards in regards to the exploitation of the wood and equipment and machi neries used The company has to be actively involved in the development of regulations, codes and standards to further improve the safety of the equipment The risk of damage to ecology, scenery due to over exploitation of forestry Use environmental mitigation course of instructions able to protect and restore the forest Government implode protection programsThe risk of accidents in the process of transportation of the logsRegular monitoring of the vehiclesChecking drivers hours of work implementing special schedule of hoursRisk of loss of licensing for cutting and harvest the trees Renewal in advance of the licenses, request from government of auditing the harvesting areasThe risk of logging and lumbering fire damage and vehicle damage Forestry and timber Insurance that focuses on logging and lumbering, sawmills, automobiles and equipment The risk related to the liquidity and payment schedules which could lead to credit losses Establish rules for tendering, levels of commendatio n authority and rules for credit controlThe risk of reporting erroneous financial information for internal and away decision Use external appraisers to evaluate fair value of assets and properties Senior managers should assess their financial reports to determine when they require estimates based on significant judgment And ensure that independent expertise is applied in deriving the reportsThe risk mitigation step involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce risk to an acceptable level. Once a plan is implemented, it is continually monitored to assess its efficacy with the intent of revising the course-of-action if needed. I would like to reiterate as stated in the IAA Standards that the organization should fully understand that management remains responsible for risk management. As Internal auditors, we should provide advice, and challenge or support managements decisions on risk, as opposed to making risk management decisions. Below are some of the responsibilities that get out not fall under the audit team Setting the risk appetite. Imposing risk management processes. Management assurance on risks. Taking decisions on risk responses. Implementing risk responses on managements behalf. Accountability for risk management. psyche 4MEMOTo Director of Internal audit DepartmentFrom . Assistant Director Internal auditDate October 06, 2014CCAs requested, I have prepared a plan for auditing the division of schoolchild Services as part of the Central College Institution. I will detail 6 steps in the audit process but firstly I want to highlight the Standard 2200, Practice consultative 2200-1 that states the requirements for the engagements planning and outlines the steps. Internal auditors must develop and plan for to each one engagement, including the engagements objectives, range of mountains, timing and resource allocations. The Internal auditor plans and conducts the engagement, with supervisory review and approval1. The first step is To obtain specific familiarity of the unit to be audited.In this full stop of the process we will gather and review the specific certification that will help us getting more familiar with the division of food service residential and campus. Some of the documents we will be reviewing The annual budget we have information about how much the overall budget is (8.9mil.) need to know how much is allocated to the food service program and how is spent. Policies and proceduresPrevious internal audit papers and reportsList of the staff org chartsContracts with food suppliersDocumented projects and how the implementation process took mooring Upon reviewing of the documents we will be able to assess the problems that incurred it will help us identify any managerial mistakes, any miscommunication surrounded by suppliers and management if in that location is enough staffing2. The second step in the audit plan is to Establish the audit objectives and the scope of the audit. At this stage we need to review all the activities involving food service program step by step. This is to identify areas of weakness, why thither are negative reviews why there is such a small budget allocated to such important segment in the students activity in the campus. Also we will beable to identify whether the appropriate policies and procedures were followed. Is the part time staff running(a) in the 6 food service facilities skilled for the specific job they do? Why there is only part time staffing and no full time jobs if there are enough employees considering the grand division of food service included 6 cafeterias and restaurants plus residential food service.3. The following step is The audit methodology.In this stage of the audit process we will be able to gather supererogatory information by interviewing individuals involved in all aspects of the student services division. We will be petition questions in order to determine if there are possible weaknesses that can have a study impact of the effectiveness of the operating and managing the 6 restaurants and cafeterias as well as the residential food service. We will be interviewing the part time staff about the schedule they have, if there are any complaints, if there is enough coverage at specific time of the day i.e. morning and lunch for the cafeterias and the restaurants. We will be interviewing the students and teachers about the hours of operation of the locations of the food service they should be open late and they are actually mop up early. We will be asking questions about the meal plans and find out if there is anything to improve on4. The next step is Determine the audit criteria.This very important step in the audit program will help us identify some of the criteria we can use in order to smash assess the practices in the food service division.BudgetingThe food service division must have a well established budget and a cost control in place and overseen by fitting staff.P rice ManagementThere should be a price verification policy in place to manage better the price of meals provided by the restaurants and the cafeteria in comparison to other food providers around the campus (beat the price)Staffingthere must be a criteria that analyze and conform with the labor standards achieve and surpass the minimum wage for the part time employeesFood Quality and diversitythere should be put in place a more divers meal plan based on the requirements and suggestions from the customers (students divers ethnicity) new standards for nutritionary meals are put in place and need to be followedFood locations managementthe standards for cleanliness and sanitation that are put in place need to be followed postdates will be handed out or on line surveys to measure the customer satisfaction5. The following step is Preparing staffing plans and time budgetsAt this stage in the audit plan we are dealing with establishing the budget necessary to accomplish the audit scope an d the staff required to accomplish the plan in a timely manner. Since we are dealing with specifics in food industry we have identified areas where there is not enough expertise from our team indeed we require an additional external consultant (possible a nutritionist that possess the necessary knowledge). For the satisfaction survey we will be using the expertise of the actual marketing staff from the service department to throw and implement the survey.6. The next step is Communication with managementSubsequently, the audit plan needs to be discussing with the management. We will set up time for a meeting with the management to discuss the details over the resolve of the audit. We need to discuss further about the time allocated to the audit plan and go over each proposal for the relevant criteria that was chosen. In the meeting we will highlight the importance of the management active parting and support to the audit process.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Project Work Essay Example for Free
Project Work EssayHindus around the world go away observe the hundred-and-fiftieth present anniversary of Swami Vivekananda with special prayers, meditation, devotional songs, and religious discourses on January 12, 2013. Swamijis tolerateday is also hold as Indias National spring chicken Day that is commemorated with processions, youth conventions, seminars, yoga, sports, and other cultural activities. To mark Swami Vivekananda hundred-and-fiftieth birth anniversary course of instruction (January 2013-January 2014) many organizations are gearing up to hold the event a commodious with gazillions of devotees of the Swami across of the world. The Ramakrishna maths and Ramakrishna Mission have already taken up a number of important service projects which were dear to Swami Vivekananda. These projects include integrated child development, empowerment of women, and alleviating p overty. Besides, the Mission will produce icons and distribute books on the subject of Swami Vivekananda to various libraries and will hold national and international seminars in various places on Swami Vivekanandas contribution to Indian and international cultures.The RK Math and Mission will do a live telecast of the rejoicings which will be held at its Headquarters Belur Math in the Howrah district of West Bengal, India. It has launched a special commemorative website that aims to hatful aside a glimpse into the various facets of the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda. The Malaysian government also released a commemorative postal stamp to mark the occasion last year. A variety of activities is in the offing to commemorate Swamijis immense contribution to the making of India as a nation. The occasion the hundred-and-fiftieth birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.Gopalkrishna Gandhi is a former Governor of West Bengal. His tribute was commissioned by The Hindu on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. The 150th birthday of Swami Vivekan anda (12 January 2013) was celebrated all over India and in different countries of the world. Ministry of Youth affairs Sports of India decided to observe 2013 as the year of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Year-long events and programs were organised by different branches of Ramakrishna Math, Ramakrishna Mission, central government and different state governments of India, education institutions, youth groups etc.Bengali exact director Tutu (Utpal) Sinha made a ingest- The Light Swami Vivekananda, as a tribute to Swami Vivekananda on his 150th birth anniversary. In 2011 Malaysian government introduced a postal stamp to mark the occasion. Ministry of Youth Affairs Sports of India decided to observe 2013 as the year of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. The Union Human Resources and growing Ministry and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) of India asked all schools to celebrate birth anniversary of Vivekananda in schools to renew the interes ts of school children in the works and ideals of Vivekananda.A senior CBSE educational official told in statement The NCERT officials utter that the council is preparing a supplementary book containing the thoughts of 15 great thinkers of India. The expert committee for schoolbook development will endeavour to include names not included so far, subject to the load of syllabus and textbook material on children, remaining within acceptable limits. Political parties of Dakshina Kannada district, Karnataka venerated Vivekananda at different functions and events across the metropolis.Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa told the life and teachings of Vivekananda has been a great inspiration to her and she considers Vivekananda as her political teacher. She sanctioned a fund of 20 million (US $370,000) on behalf of the Tamil Nadu government for the welfare of Vivekananda Cultural Centre of the state. In 2012, a 3-day World Congress of Religions conference was organised by the land of World Religions of the Washington kali Temple, Burtonsville, Maryland, in association with the Council for A Parliament of World Religions, Chicago, Illinois to commemorate birthday of Swami Vivekananda.The event commemorates the 150th birth anniversary of Indias visionary monk, Swami Vivekananda, who addressed the Parliament of Worlds Religions in Chicago in September 1893, passionately calling for both tolerance and universal acceptance as a avenue to eliminate the evils of sectarianism, bigotry and fanaticism and engage all the worlds religious and spiritual association leaders in efforts to forge a new global civil society.A bilingual frivol away The Light Swami Vivekananda was made in India as tribute to Swami Vivekananda on his 150th birth anniversary. The director of the film Tutu Sinha told in an interview I have always wanted to make a film on Swami Vivekananda. Bengali theatre group Lokkrishti staged a drama Biley to commemorate the birth anniversary. Bengali theatre a ctor Debshankar Haldar played the role of Swamiji in this drama. Celebration in Chicago, Illinois, USA Chicago celebrated Swami Vivekanandas 150th birth anniversary on a grand scale.Chicago immortalizes Swami Vivekananda with many divide monuments like Swami Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago and Sri Ramakrishna oecumenic Temple in Homer Glen, a larger-than-life size bronze statue of Swami Vivekananda and the Vivekananda Spiritual Centre at the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago in Lemont, a bronze plaque at the Art Institute of Chicago commemorating his historic address at the Worlds Parliament of Religions. The City of Chicago has also immortalized Swami Vivekananda by naming a long stretch of prestigious downtown marketplace Michigan Avenue.The stretch in front of the Art Institute has been named as Swami Vivekananda Way. Swami Vivekanandas 150th birth anniversary is being celebrated in India and all over the world on January 12, 2013. The government of India has originally p lanned to celebrate the birth anniversary for a year and launched it on January 12, 2012, but the jubilancy has been extended for two years ending on January 12, 2014. The government of India has set up a National Committee on a lower floor the chairmanship of the Prime Minister and a National performance Committee under the chairmanship of the Finance Minister and released Rs. 00 crore to the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission in Belur for the celebration.It also established in 2012 a new visiting professorship in Indian studies with a gift of $1. 5 million at University of Chicago to commemorate the legacy of spiritual leaders Swami Vivekananda. In India, the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission, and Vivekananda Kendra and the Rock recollection in Kanyakumari, and other organizations are planning to celebrate the occasion for one year from January 12, 2013. On that day, Dr. human Mohan Singh will also release a movie shot at Sri Ramakrishna Universal Temple i n Homer Glen in the USA and other historic places in Chicago connected with the life of Swami Vivekananda. In Chicago, the 150th birth anniversary of Vivekananda will be celebrated with major functions to be held at Sri Ramakrishna Universal Temple in Homer Glen and at the nearby Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago in Lemont. Other official celebrations are expected to be held at the Art Institute of Chicago and the University of Chicago. check to an Indian Embassy official in Washington, the Consulate General of India in Chicago is coordinating with all the institutions in the city with the support of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and Indias Ministry for Culture. Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh-USA (HSS-USA) has also chalked out an elaborate year-long celebration with a series of programs involving children, the youth and the elderly. The theme of the celebration is Universal peace through Dharma and Yoga, which is the message of Swami Vivekananda. art object the newly-built Sri Ramakrishna Universal Temple of Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago in Homer Glen, with its serene ashram-like ambience, plans to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary after Arti on January 12, 2013, in the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago complex, where the imposing statue of Swami Vivekananda stands under a beautifully decorated canopy and the newly constructed and Indianized Vivekananda Spiritual Centre are located, will celebrate the event for two days January 12 and 13.The other events being planned during the yearlong celebration, include conferences to be addressed by scholars and senior monks of the Ramakrishna Mission from around the world a mini-parliament of religions with participation of representatives from various faiths a program in honour of Swami Vivekananda at the Art Institute of Chicago a bus while of places associated with Swami Vivekananda a lecture by Asim Chaudhuri, author of Swami Vivekananda in Chicago publication of a calendar featuring photograp hs of Swami Vivekananda and development about his life a display on the people and places associated with Swami Vivekananda in Chicago a move book with colour photos of the places associated with Swami Vivekananda in Chicago and framing and installing panels on life of Swami Vivekananda. Celebration in Pakistan Pakistani Hindus celebrated 150th birth anniversary of Vivekananda. The brewing Indo-Pak tension was no dampener for the Hindus in Pakistan who celebrated the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda with cultural programmes and religious quiz rivals. President of Pakistan Hindu Seva benefit Trust (PHSWT) Sanjesh S.Dhanja told TOI that they held a function at Radha Krishna temple, Steel Town, about 60km from Karachi, to mark the occasion. There are actually few Hindus in Pakistan who know about the legendary spiritual leader so we decided to celebrate his birth anniversary to generate awareness, say Dhanja. Detailed lectures on the life and teachings of Vivekananda were delivered and a quiz competition was held. Patron of PHSWT Mukhi Odha Mal said, This is first gear of its kind programme ever held in Pakistan on Vivekananda since Partition and I dictum a lot of enthusiasm among the Hindu community especially the younger generation. Priest of temple Ramesh Kumar Acharya said that young children were highly impressed by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. Now it is one of our missions to make birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda an one-year affair in Pakistan he said. Sanjesh said that on the occasion they also held 2nd Bhagwat Gita Quiz Competition. The first such competition was held in the month of June 2012. Sanjesh said, A Hindu, Baboo Kothari, who had arrived to participate in the birth celebration function of Swami Vivekananda, coming all the way from Mitti in Sindh was so much impressed with the function that he announced to hold birth celebration function of Swami Vivekananda in Hanuman Temple every year. Reacting on the brewing tension between India and Pakistan, Sanjesh said, Our aim is to spread the message of peace.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Energy Society Essay Example for Free
Energy fraternity EssayThe Kyoto protocolThe official name of the Protocol is The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It is an agreement by 165 countries for mandatory targets for the reduction of the worlds greenhouse throttle emissions. These gasescarbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and several fluorinated gases are believed to contri stille significantly to orbiculate warming.The targets of the Protocol are in the first place industrialized countries, which are expected to reduce their combined emissions to 95% of 1990 emission levels between 2008 and 2012. The Protocol was concord on in 1997, although it only took effect in 2005.Between the years 1990 and 2000, the overall emissions of industrialized countries piss been reduced by 3%, but largely because of the drastic reduction of emissions from former Soviet countries because of their weakness economies. Other industrialized countries overall had an increase of 8% emissi ons. It is estmated that emissions from industrialized countries will be 10% higher up 1990 emission levels by the year 2010.For industrialized countries, the emission reduction target of the Kyoto Protocol is only most 5%, and many climate scientists are concerned that this is not enough to curb the effects of global warming. They believe that in order for the agreement to actually help solve the line of work, the emission rates would be cut down by 60%. This has led to the opinion that the agreement lacks real value, more so without US backing. However, advocates believe that the Protocol lays out the groundwork for future negotiations. Emission reduction laws were already gestural in many countries and would continue to take effect make up when the Protocol itself has ceased to exist.Happy Kyoto Day http//www.worldchanging.com/ biography/002119.htmlThis site has an unusual approach to the problem of determining the Kyoto communications communications protocols merit. Accordi ng to the author, In and of itself, the Kyoto treaty wont solve global warming or avert disastrous climate disruption. The author states that the protocol is essentially a catalyst. It will put the world in an environmentally aware mindseteven if the Kyoto protocol fails, it will force the world to come up with something better. It will also encourage economic changes that strive towards greater efficiency and sustainability. Lastly, the protocol is a symbol, a conscious step in the estimable direction for the planet. Kyoto global warming good stuff or part of a dark confederacy to rein the world? http//uspolitics.tribe.net/thread/e4978f31-0439-4b70-bbf3-f0ce93a09a42According to this site, global warming alarmism is indeed the m other(a) of all environmental scares. The author states that it is definitely not settled whether human activity has had any significant effect on global warming global warming is a theory, not a fact. Some effects of the Kyoto protocol would include impoverishing the USA and creating intense disaffection within the ranks of the working classes. Basic necessities would become very expensive. electrical energy would double in cost, fuel would skyrocket. Lastly, the author claims that the Kyoto protocol is a political device to lead the friendly Communists closer to world dominion.One of the worst effects that global warming could arrest would be the upraise of sea levels, due to the melting of ice caps and to thermal expansion of the worlds waters. A 100 years from now, if the worst global warming predictions come true, millions of people will be displaced from their homes, which will be submerged. This will have drastic economic and cultural impacts. The effects of the mass displacement on the deliverance could reach far into the future. The loss of farmland, of business districts, etc. may spawn another (much worse) Great low gear in many areas. Forced cultural dispersion will be commonplace, making the ubiquitous problem of the generation gap much more considerable.Many people who would address themselves environmentalists would not necessarily have good knowledge of environmental issues. They may pay lip service to the environmentalist cause without inconveniencing themselves in any respect to protect it. But I would venture to say that a majority of those who call themselves environmentalists would be willing to go out of their way to serve the world.However, it is certain that, as in other controversial issues, there would be much hypocrisy. If by environmentalists we mean those who areor claim to beconcerned about the environment, then certainly most of them would just be claiming belief in the cause, but be too lazy. In them would be an awareness of an idealthe preservation of the environmentbut a lack of initiative, probably because of the lack of any immediate incentives.ReferencesKyoto Protocol, 2006, Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australian Greenhouse Office, procurable at http//www.greenhouse.gov.au/international/kyoto/index.htmlThe Kyoto Protocol, New Zealand Ministry for the Environment, Available at http//www. climatechange.govt.nz/about/kyoto.htmlCascio, Jamais, 2006, Happy Kyoto Day, Available at http//www.worldchanging.com/ muniment/002119.htmlKyoto global warming good stuff or part of a dark conspiracy to dominate the world?, 2006, Available at http//uspolitics.tribe.net/thread/e4978f31-0439-4b70-bbf3-f0ce93a09a42QA The Kyoto Protocol, 2005, BBC News, Available at http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/ 4269921.stmThe Kyoto Protocol A brief summary, 2006, European Union, Available at http//ec.europa.eu/ environment/climat/kyoto.htmKyoto Protocol, 2006, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., Available at http//en.wikipedia. org/w/index.php? backing=Kyoto_Protocololdid=80236719Kyoto Protocol comes into force, 2005, BBC News, Available at http//news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/ science/nature/4267245.stm
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Critiquing and changing the world through critical theory in traditional and critical theory an essay by max horkheimer Essay Example for Free
Critiquing and changing the knowledge base by means of critical hypothesis in traditional and critical opening an essay by max horkheimer EssayCritical possible action is directed towards both critiquing and changing the world, instead of merely explaining and understand it. The term critical theorywas coined by Max Horkheimer in his essay Traditional and Critical surmisal (1937). By nature, it is radical, emancipatory and highly democratic in nature historically specific only when ever-changing. Even antecede Horkheimer, Karl Marx also contributed to critical theory affirming that philosophers seduce only interpreted the world in certain ways the point is to change it (Theses on Feuerbach). Ontologically, the nature of the world is intrinsically one with diametrically opposed dichotomies of top executive and built-in disadvantaging imbalances and covert, oppressive structures. Horkeimer affirms that critical theorys primary objective is to liberate gentle beings f rom the dowery that enslave them (Horkheimer 1982, 244). Freedom is derived at the epistemic level for knowledge is power (arming the oppressed with weapons to conduct mutation against dominant orders of society, merging theory and action, instigating change in living conditions merges theory and action and align itself to working(a) against diverse dominant orders of society). It appreciates the lived experiences of people and interprets actions and symbols of society to understand genial oppression. Methodologically, critical theory is pluralistic especially as a result of several socio- frugal and political shifts brought about by globalisation. Consequently, several genres of critical theory have emerged, for example racial, post-colonial and feminist.womens liberation movement is any socio-economic, political and cultural move handst aimed at reforming society through equal rights and protections on behalf of the cleaning woman. Mainstream feminism embraces the legality of the woman as an independent individual, promoting full participation, inclusion and integrating to enjoy its rights, responsibilities and privileges. The improvement of the womans cordial condition in civil life hinges on progressivism in where worldly concern policies are the catalysts for positive social change and where she would be emancipated and empowered. Feminism is convinced of the positive potential of woman and the benefits which would redound to the larger society through her empowerment.Feminism is about the social transformation of gender relations (Calas 2009). Feminism is virulently opposed to fe mannish person subjugation, subservience and misogynist injustices reach about to liberate the woman from inhibiting traditions and status quos that tend to undermine the validation of her personhood. Generally, feminists support gender equivalence where both sexes can avail themselves of the same opportunities in both the domestic and public realms. No long-life is a woman an inferior or weaker sex. She is an equal. Feminism also perceives the world through gendered lenses, discerns male person predominance through patriarchal structures and militates against it.An inexhaustible list of variations exists within feminism, for example liberal feminism clamours for womens equality, public rights and inclusion in decision-making and parley. Radical feminism demands a complete and fundamental restructuring and redefining of the worlds institutions, systems and human experience to supersede the male-oriented ones. Marxist feminism concentrates on capitalism as the root cause of female oppression especially in the labour market where men possess more capital and economic privilege. Eco-feminism, Separatist feminism, Post-modern feminism, Third-world feminism, Psychoanalytic feminism, Postcolonial feminism and Amazon feminism among others constitute other types of feminism.Battle of the Sexes (Feminism vs. Machoism) The polarization of men and wome n forms part and parcel in the perpetual battle of the sexes preoccupied with who should be more privileged in societys assigned gender roles. The battle of the sexes is predicated on female identity, autonomy, oppression, disempowerment which all reflects the.Feminism frames a deal that attempts to challenge a longstanding male supremacy. In the past, man held a monopoly over discourse because of inadequate structures (domestic/family, business, labour, education, religion and government) which dictated to the woman. In feminist critical theory, universal criteria are not value-free, but (based) upon male norms (May 2001). Owing to male preponderance, discourse would position the male at the centre so that one sees the male Self as the one who prevails whereas the female Other is relegated to the fringes of society. In the battle, machoism seeks to continue the promulgation of a male-based linear persuasion in ideas, structures, and institutions that cement his control in socie ty. The masculine voice overpowers and represses the woman. Consequently, the answer is to move away from (the) male-centred perspective and place women at its centre (May 2001) effectively questioning the legitimacy of and ousting patriarchal tradition.A Gendered thinkingFeminist theory concentrates on the trajectories of women growing to assert themselves and rise above male oppression, inferiority, sexual outcry and gendered stereotyping. Like men, women have the right to autonomy so she must break the yoke of oppression, repression and suppression. Critical theory is hinged on the ideals of the woman as one who has been unduly victimized and oppressed by the patriarchy. This gender-centred philosophy contends with deep-rooted, sexist prejudice against the woman. It presupposes that phallocentric sexism is still in wide currency, discriminating and denying equality to the woman. Legitimized patriarchy in a world system permitted gross inhumanities and injustices to flourish ag ainst the woman, termed misogyny. Misogynist practices and policies physically and metaphorically rape the woman of her dignity and personhood. In the face of these indignities, feminists perform critical theory by privileging and empowering the woman.Feminist critical theory pinpoints societal two-bagger standards and hypocrisy so that the woman is obliged to abide by different rules inconsistent with fairness. Mainstream critical theory inherently privileges the man while disadvantaging the woman therefore the feminist discourse stresses the loopholes in the patriarchal discourse that tends to discriminate and disempower the woman. The iterate standard code of ethics governs the behaviour of the woman. Even in social research, feminists have succeeded in permeating the topic of double standard research so that other forms of sexism in the externalize of a study may also lead to a double standard in information interpretation (Eichler1999). Critical theory oriented by feminist principles prompts the question is this free from male-dominated standards or double standards Are both sexes considered and privileged? These questions shed light into the validation of the woman where formerly she has been relegated to inferiority and flush anonymity in discourse. Feminism gives birth to female empowerment, yet the discourse often cloaked in anonymity, passivity, obscurity, self-effacement and subjugationGendered Critical TheoryFeminism is committed to reducing the unequal power in relationship (Acker 1983).It holds that equalising power will not be found in some stable orthodoxy but in an evolving dialogue (DeVault 1999). The the idea of objectivity and neutrality in the social sciences (instead)taking the womans perspective (Acker 1983). Despising the positivistic objectivity or the reality of the social world as a system of distinct observable variables independent of the knower (Acker 1983) is another quality of feminist-guided researchsolidarity with experie nces germane to women. Feminism blatantly reject such tenets of mainstream social science as the objectivity and separation of researcher from what or whom is researched, the superiority of the researcher as expert (Small 1995). The attrition of these differences demonstrates a unique equilibrium in social research.Feminism and the Sexual Discourse in I.R.Feminism in I.R. initiates the sexual discourse, boldly tackling topics of gender affect women globally. Rape as a war crime, prostitution and sex slavery, female circumcision, sexual orientation, forms part of the abandoned dialogue. Feminists aim to uncover the impact of culture on female sexual impressions and expression. In feminist discourse, the womans body is not objectified as a sex symbol but is dignified and nonetheless deified as it is liberated from social restraint. The politics of sexuality encapsulates various aspects of the woman owing to the links betwixt gender and sexuality, linguistic usage and gender resea rch inherently leaned on cultural interpretations of sex and sexuality thus the shifts in language and gender (Bucholtz 2004).
Monday, April 8, 2019
Native American Essay Example for Free
primaeval American EssayDuring the second half of the 19th century, the United States Government took all appropriate actions to maintain peace with Native American tribes. what is more the United States was justified in its aggressive measures used to seize primer coat from unruly Native American tribes during the era. There little validity in this statement. During this quantify period American troops were interloping on Native American territory, starting violence, and forcing them out of their homes.The hostility of American Soldiers toward these spate led to several(prenominal) tragedies, such as the Sand Creek Massacre, The Battle of brusque Bighorn, and The Battle at Wounded articulatio genus. It can be notice that the United States was clearly not, in any way, shape, or form, attempting to maintain peace. Insensitivities on behalf of the United States led to several tragedies, the Sand Creek Massacre being a major event. On November 29, 1864, General John Chivin gton lucid troops to attack Chief Black Kettle and his people, after the chief and his people did everything in their great power to keep peace between the opposing sides.To top it all dark, most of the warriors in this tribe were off hunting buffalo, and the tribe was left undefended. Between seventy and eighty Natives were killed. The fighting didnt end there. several(prenominal) years later, on December 29, 1890, a great disaster occurred at nearby Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota. James W. Forsyth and his men massacred the people of Chief Spotted Elk. Around 300 casualties were suffered. The Natives, however, hadnt forever and a day suffered such devastating losses.Between the Sand Creek Massacre and Wounded Knee, at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Colonel George Custer was one of the leaders of the American soldiers who attacked Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, and their people. On June 25-26, 1876, American Soldiers fought the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, suffering a ter rible loss. Although it may seem as though the Native Americans were ruthless savages, this bear witnesss how persistent they were and their ability to overcome. The persistence of these people was also proven by a single man.In 1876, the United States Government was beginning to motor Chiricahua from their reservation in New Mexico. A man named Geronimo fueled the fire of the Native Americans against the American forces. over a period of ten years, Geronimo aided his people in many raids on white settlements, to prove their unwillingness to leave their home. Geronimo may have surrendered, but his bravery Although many may view these as acts of violence, in reality, US Soldiers were no better. The slaughter and removal of hundreds of Native Americans caused them to react in such a violent way.In other words, America brought this upon itself. The Dawes defend was a set of laws enacted to assist Native Americans in their land disputes with American settlers. These laws gave the pr esident the right to survey Indian land and distribute it to individual Natives. The Dawes Act was detrimental to Native Americans because those who werent awarded land became homeless, unlike the previous tribal community they had lived in, where every individual had shelter, but no single person owned the land.The president also had the right to purchase land he had allotted to be used for white settlers. Assimilation also played a wide role in whether Natives would be forced out of their homes. If the Natives would Americanize (so to speak) everything about their lifestyle, they would be permitted to stay on US soil. In conclusion, it can be observed that Native Americans were truly the victim in this situation. They were slaughtered mercilessly, forced out of their homes, made to change their lifestyles, and even considered to be the cause of the violence.Any person who claims Native Americans during this time period as savage murderers would be completely incorrect. These pe ople were merely reacting out of defense and requital for what Americans had done to them. Americans frequently like to believe that the US is always justified in what they atomic number 18 doing they are always the good guy. In this case Americans stooped to a low level to suggest that Indians were to diabolic for the violence.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Toxicity of Energy Drinks Essay Example for Free
Toxicity of Energy Drinks EssayThe new millenary has ushered in a wave of synthetic, caffeinated full(prenominal)- push button drinks targeted at the youth market. Over the past 10 years, the enjoyment of caffeinated beverages mean to energise has increased significantly. Energy drinks were recently shown to comprise 20% of the total convenience break in beverage market, with Red Bull and V accounting for over 97% of sales in this multimillion-dollar industry. 1 Increasingly, toxicity from caffeine overdose is being reported to hospitals and poisons centres. The main active constituents of energy drinks include alter amounts of caffeine, guarana extract, taurine and ginseng. Additional amino acids, vitamins and carbohydrates usually complete the list of purportedly beneficial ingredients. 2 The intended effects of energy drinks ar to provide sustenance and improve performance, concentration and endurance. Manufacturers pitch their product to athletes, students and deal i n professions that require uphold alertness. These drinks are also commonly consumed at dance parties, which require sustained energy for prolonged activity into late hours. In this setting, they may also be combined with alcohol and recreational drugs such as ecstasy (MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) or other amphetamines.Young adults and adolescents are particularly attracted to energy drinks because of effective product marketing, peer influence and a lack of knowledge of the potential harmful effects. 3-5 The high sugar content in caffeinated energy drinks is similar to other soft drinks and is known to contribute to obesity. 6Adverse reactions and toxicity from high-energy drinks stem primarily from their caffeine content. 7 The sympathomimetic effects of high-dose caffeine mostly inform the symptoms and hospital presentations related to energy drinks.There is little published literature on the extent and epidemiology of this problem. Indeed, a recent literature revie w on the effects of energy drinks in children and adolescents found only eighter case reports on medical complications from energy drinks. 8 Our study was undertaken to obtain an understanding of the scope of consumption-related issues and toxicity from caffeinated energy drinks in Australia by analysing data from calls to the NSW Poisons Information Centre (NSWPIC) the largest centre of its type in Australia, victorious about 110 000 calls per year, which is 50% of all poisoning-related calls in the country. Methods We undertook a retrospective review at the NSWPIC. entropy included calls providing advice to the general public and health professionals. Calls from New South Wales, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory are exclusively handled by NSWPIC from 6 am to midnight an after-hours call-sharing system is in place with interstate poisons centres. morals approval was obtained from the human research ethics committee of the Childrens Hospital at Westmead.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Organic Foods Pdf Essay Example for Free
Organic food for thoughts Pdf EssayAbstract During the last decade, insect bitesumers trust in aliment step has reduced drastically, importantly because of growing ecological aw beness and several food s pratdals (e. g. BSE, dioxins, bacterial contamination). It has been found that intensive established agriculture privy introduce contaminants into the food chain. Consumers turn in started to look for safer and correct underwriteled foods produced in more environmentally friendly, authentic and local systems. Organically produced foods atomic number 18 astray believed to satisfy the above demands, leading to start environmental impacts and laster alimentary values. So far, studies have partly con? rmed this opinion. Organic reapings contain fewer treats, nitrites and pesticide residues exactly, as a rule, more dry matter, vitamin C, phenolic compounds, essential amino acids and total sugars than unoriginal crops. Organic crops overly contain statistically mor e mineral compounds and unremarkably have correct sensory and long-term retentiveness qualities. However, there atomic number 18 also whatever negatives demonstrates cultivated in total systems generally have 20% cut suffers than unoriginally produced crops.Several important worrys need to be addressed in the coming eld environmental, bacterial and fungal contamination of complete crops and, the around essential issue, the impact of fundamental food uptake on animal and benevolent health. 2007 Society of Chemical Industry Keywords fundamental shew crops feeling yield piece of writing nutrition vitamins phenolics sugars nitrates nitrites pesticides dry matter health sensory qualities.FACTORS INFLUENCING THE timber OF ORGANIC PLANT nutrition PRODUCTS There are several important factors in?uencing the quality of food products that also are pertinent to organically produced deeds products. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the basic factors are the quality of the envir onment (abiotic factors) and the levels of pest and pathogen detriment (biotic factors) to which demonstrates are subjected.The main components of the environment (air, water, soil) have to be unpolluted if the crops obtained are expected to be of high nutrient quality. Many environmental contaminants enter the food production chain (soilplantanimal humans organism), causing signi? rottert problems in human health.1 These contaminants include heavy metals, pesticide residues, nitrogen compounds, mycotoxins, chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), aromatic hydrocarbons (e. g. benzoapyrene), plant growth stimulators (e. g. choline chloride), antibiotics, hormones, radioactive isotopes and plastic substances (monomers). Climate and weather are also important factors, as well up as soil type and pH, soil cultivation, fertilisation and conditions of crop storage after harvest. ? Biotic factors can have also a signi? bevel impact on crop quality. The main biotic factors are cultivar choice, b acterial and fungal contamination (disease) and pest damage.Cultivars of the same crop species can differ signi? cantly in nourishing quality. For example, the satisfy of ? carotene in carrots (Daucus carota L. ) can vary between 7. 19 and 13. 84 mg g? 1 depending on the cultivar. 2 The main potential source of bacterial contamination in plant crops is animal mud utilize in organic farming. Contamination can take place via the root or by water splashing onto the leaf surfaces. The intimately important organisms are several species of facultative anaerobic bacteria (Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli O157H7, Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis), protozoa (Toxoplasma gondii), tapeworms, viruses and prions.The contri thates obtained so far are contradictory. slightly studies direct up high(prenominal)(prenominal) bacterial contamination in organic crops, while separatewises show the opposite. 3 Mycotoxins (prod uced by fungi) depart mostly in the ? eld further can also develop during storage. Owing to the fact that fungicides are non used Correspondence to Ewa Rembialkowska, Organic Foodstuffs Division, Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Warsaw Agricultural University, Nowoursynowska 159 C, PL-02-776 capital of Poland, Poland email ewa emailprotected pl (Received 24 October 2006 revised version received 29 January 2007 accepted 8 February 2007).Figure 1. Factors in? uencing the quality of organic food products. in organic agriculture, some authors believe that organically produced foods will contain higher(prenominal) concentrations of mycotoxins. However, literature reviews show that mycotoxin concentrations are usually confusable or reduced in organic compared with unoriginal products. 4 The most notorious mycotoxins are those produced by Fusarium species on cereal crops and maize.One of the reasons for lower Fusarium infections in organic grains could be the lower n itrogen concentrations in the tissues. 5 Insect pests also exert an in? uence on crop quality. Because of the expatriate on synthetic pesticides in organic agriculture, insects practically damage fruits and vegetables, thereby diminishing their yield and harming their appearance. However, it is not profess believe whether they also reduce their nutritive quality. In contrast, there is tell apart that organically gravid plants contain more phytochemicals (which are natural insecticides) and are therefore more insusceptible to insect damage.6 They can also play a positive role in human health, because several phytochemicals, being plant defence compounds, are committed with possible health bene? ts (Brandt K, unwritten creation at QLIF Congress, Newcastle, 2005). Regulations on organic plant production allow actions that avoid many negative features of crop quality if they are consistently performed by producers. In order to ful? l these demands and to offer highquality produ cts to consumers, an ef? cient and airtight certi? cation and control system must be implemented.In most countries much(prenominal) systems are quite ef?cient, though a rapid increase in the number of organic farms could lead to problems with a subsequent loosening of restrictive control. and then the main rule should be trust is good, but control is better. Moreover, the ? nal quality of organic food products is in? uenced by the effective implementation of 2758 the regulations on animal production and organic food processing. Only precise ful? lment of all these regulations can guarantee the best organic food quality (Fig. 1). rival OF REGULATION ON ORGANIC PLANT PRODUCTION The regulations for organic plant production are clear and detailed.7 The European Union (EU) regulation published in 19918 contains parts that relate directly to the composition of organic plant products. The most important aspects of this regulation include7 a ban on genetic engineering and genetically m odi? ed organisms (GMOs) lower nitrogen levels a maximum limit for manure application of 170 kg N ha? 1 year? 1 a ban on synthetic pesticides a ban on synthetic mineral fertilisers a ban on growth promoters. Organic farmers must follow the above regulations if they want to pass the inspection procedure either year and receive a certi? cation document.If all requirements are complied with, several qualitative results can be expected. The most important conclusions from scienti? c comparisons are assumption below. CONTAMINANTS Nitrates and nitrites A large amount of data shows that the content of nitrates and nitrites is understandably higher in formally cultivated than in organic crops. This is important, because nitrates can comfortably be born-again into nitrites, which can cause a dangerous illness called methaemoglobinaemia in babies, infants and elderly people. 9 J Sci Food Agric 8727572762 (2007) DOI 10. 1002/jsfa whole tone of organic plant products.Moreover, nitr ites can react with amines to create nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic and mutagenic substances causing cancer of the digestive tract and leukaemia. 10 This process is dangerous not save for young children but also for adults of any age. Based on a large amount of data, the nitrate content of organic and customary crops has been compared. On average, the nitrate content of organic crops was 49% that of conventional crops. 11 These and other data provide a basis for stating that organic methods lead to an approximately 50% decline in the intake of nitrates and nitrites by humans.Pesticides Governments place legal limits, know as the Maximum Residue direct (MRL), on the level of pesticides that can be present in food. The MRL is usually estimated by testing item-by-item pesticides on rats. Governments carry that consumption of pesticides below the MRL is not a health risk. However, at lower levels, pesticides are known or suspected to cause many diseases and health problems, including cancer. 12 The main problem is that the MRL for pesticides is usually estimated by testing individual pesticides on rats for a relatively short period.Virtually nothing is known approximately the effects of consuming combinations of potentially hundreds of varied pesticides over the course of a lifetime. We do not and cannot know explicitly what is causing what, so precaution is the main tool available to us (Howard V, oral presentation at QLIF Congress, Newcastle, 2005). The levels of pesticide residues found in organic crops are de? nitely lower than those present in conventional crops (Howard V, oral presentation at QLIF Congress, Newcastle, 2005). It can be expected that eating organic foods will result in lower pesticide levels in human milk and body tissues.There is some severalise con? rming this hypothesis. Researchers in France found that the level of pesticide residues in the milk of breast-feeding women decreased signi? cantly with an increase in the proporti on of organic food in the daily diet (from 25 to 80%). 13 All available results show that the content of pesticide residues is signi? cantly lower in organic crops, which creates safer health conditions for consumers eating organically. Heavy metals Heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury and zinc are introduced into the food chain from diverse sources, including industry, conveyance, communal wastes and agriculture.For example, mineral phosphoric fertilisers used in conventional agriculture can introduce cadmium into crops, but the metal industry and transportation also cause cadmium contamination of soils and crops. Therefore there are no clear results in studies comparing the levels of J Sci Food Agric 8727572762 (2007) DOI 10. 1002/jsfa heavy metals in organic and conventional crops. Some data point to higher levels in conventional crops, while others show the opposite. 11 A problem to be solved is whether organic farming (composting, increasing the organic matter in soil, pH, etc. ) can diminish the intake of heavy metals by cultivated plants.DESIRABLE COMPOUNDS IN PLANTS Vitamins, phenolic compounds and mineral compounds The nutritive value of foods depends mainly on them having the appropriate content of compounds indispensable for proper functioning of the human organism. The content of phyto-compounds in plant foods is a topic of great interest in food science nowadays. A growing body of evidence indicates that secondary plant metabolites (phytochemicals) play a critical role in human health and may be nutritionally important. 14 There are two main theories explaining the factors in? uencing the levels of compounds in plants.15 The carbon/nitrogen (C/N) balance theory states that, when nitrogen is easily available, the plant will ? rst make compounds with high nitrogen content, e. g. proteins for growth and nitrogen-containing secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, glucosinolates and non-protein amino acids such as the Allium ? avour precursors. When nitrogen availability is limiting for growth, the metabolism changes more towards carboncontaining compounds, e. g. starch, cellulose and non-nitrogen-containing secondary metabolites such as phenolics and terpenoids. The second, newer theory is the growth/ differentiation balance hypothesis (GDBH).15 It states that the plant will always esteem the resources available to it and optimise its investment in processes directed towards growth or differentiation. The term differentiation encompasseses increase formation of defence compounds as well as accelerated maturation and seed development. The C/N balance theory is a special and typical case of the GBDH theory, since low nitrogen availability is the most common growth-limiting condition in natural ecosystems. 15 To verify the above theories, several authors investigated the content of some vitamins and phyto-compounds in organically and conventionally produced crops.In order to summarise different data, for each or ganicconventional comparison a % difference was calculated (organic ? conventional)/conventional ? 100 The collected data for several suitable components are presented in Table 1. The role of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the human organism is basic for several metabolous functions, mainly because it is one of the major cellular direct antioxidants (along with glutathione) and is a 2759 E Rembialkowska Table 1. Contents of desirable components in organic crops relative to those in conventional crops Component Vitamin C Phenolic compounds Iron milligram Phosphorus Mean % difference +28.7 +119. 3 +21. 1 +29. 3 +13. 6 Range (%) ? 38 to +135. 5 ? 56. 6 to +734. 2 ? 73 to +240 ? 35 to +1206 ? 44 to +240 Number of studies 21 15 16 17 18 production and reduces carbohydrate production. Moreover, the increased protein produced in response to high nitrogen levels contains lower amounts of certain essential amino acids such as lysine and therefore has a lower quality with see to human nutrit ion. Source Ref. 17 and authors own calculations. cofactor for certain enzymes. Vitamin C also supports detoxication and ohmic resistance of the human organism. The higher content of vitamin C in organic crops is bene?cial to health, because vitamin C inhibits the in situ formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines, thus diminishing the negative impact of nitrates on the human organism. 10 Therefore organic vegetables can play an important anticarcinogenic role. Plant-based phenolic metabolites are particularly interesting because of their potential antioxidant activity and medical properties, including anticarcinogenic activity. 15 According to Benbrook,16 organic farming has elevated antioxidant levels in about 85% of the cases studied to date and, on average, levels are about 30% higher compared with foods grown conventionally.Mineral compounds containing iron, magnesium and phosphorus are aboriginal for human health. According to Worthington,17 the higher mineral content in organic crops may be connected with the higher abundance of micro-organisms in organically managed soil. These micro-organisms produce many compounds that help plants to combine with soil minerals and make them more available to plant roots. Unfortunately, there have been completely a few studies on other vitamins such as ? -carotene, B1 and B2 and the results are contradictory. Therefore no general conclusions can be drawn about these compounds.Total sugars A higher total sugar content in plant crops not alone improves their taste but is also an important component of their technological quality, e. g. in the case of sugar beet. Studies intelligibly indicate a higher content of total sugars, mainly sucrose, in organically produced vegetables and fruits such as carrots, sugar beet, red beetroot, potatoes, spinach, Savoy cabbage, cherries, redcurrants and apples. 11,18 Proteins Several studies analysed in review papers11 show that the quantity of crude protein is lower in organic than in conventional crops but that the quality is better as measured by essential amino acid content.According to Worthington,17 nitrogen from any kind of fertiliser affects the quantity and quality of protein produced by plants. Provision of a large amount of nitrogen to a plant increases protein 2760 SENSORY QUALITY OF ORGANIC FOODS Many studies have proved quite unequivocally that vegetables and fruits from organic farms have a better taste and smell. This was found for carrots and potatoes, celery and red beetroot, head cabbage and tomatoes as well as for apples, cherries and redcurrants.11 Organic fruits contained more total sugars, which probably in?uenced the better taste perception by consumers. break off taste and smell have also been found for bread made from organic grain, which also had better crumb elasticity. 6 Interesting studies have been conducted on animal food gustatory perception in which animals were given organic or conventional fodder.Most studies have proved a cl ear animal preference for foods produced organically such studies have been conducted on rats, mice, hens and rabbits. 19 Preference for organic fodder was also discovered in cases where, according to chemical analyses, both(prenominal) organic and conventional fodder ful?lled all physiological inescapably of the animals tested. 20 The reason for this was probably the difference in taste between organic and conventional fodder. repositing QUALITY OF ORGANIC PLANT CROPS Transpiration losses and decay processes, as well as changes in nutritive value, normally take place during the storage period of potatoes and other vegetables. However, these changes can proceed at different rates and to differing degrees. Most of the available data indicate that the decay process is slower in organic crops, which therefore show better storage quality after the winter period.A review take based on many sources21 concluded that the storage quality of vegetables and fruits was better in the case o f plants grown on organic farms (Table 2). The better storage quality of organic crops Table 2. Storage losses of carrots, potatoes and several(a) fruits and vegetables from organic (ORG) and conventional (CONV) farmsa Carrots Potatoes Fruits and vegetables ORG CONV ORG CONV ORG CONV Number of quoted studies Storage loss (% of initial mass) a 15 33 15 40 22 22 22 30 53 28 53 38 bonny data based on literature review.21 J Sci Food Agric 8727572762 (2007) DOI 10. 1002/jsfa Quality of organic plant products Table 3. Positive nutritive attributes of organic plant products No. 1 2 3 4 5 Attribute Organic crops contain fewer nitrates, nitrites and pesticide residues than conventional crops. There is no clear difference in the content of heavy metals between organic and conventional crops Organic plant products contain, as a rule, more dry matter, vitamin C, phenolic compounds, essential amino acids and total sugars. However, the level of ?-carotene is often higher in conventional plant p roducts Organic plant products contain statistically more iron, magnesium and phosphorus. They also tend to contain more chromium, iodine, molybdenum, selenium, calcium, boron, manganese, copper, potassium, sodium, wagon trainadium and zinc Organic plant products usually have better sensory quality. They have a clearer smell and taste and are sweeter and more compact because of their higher dry matter content Preference for organic products is typical not only for humans but also for animals such as rats, rabbits and hens.This preference was also observed in cases where, according to chemical analyses, both organic and conventional fodder ful? lled all physiological needs of the animals tested Vegetables and fruits from organic production maintain better quality during winter storage, showing lower mass losses due to transpiration, decay and vector decomposition processes. A possible reason for this is their higher content of dry matter, minerals, sugars and other bioactive compou nds 6 Table 4. prejudicious and unclear aspects of organic plant products No.1 Negative aspect Plants cultivated in organic systems have, as a rule, signi?cantly (on average 20%) lower yields than conventionally produced crops. This increases their price and creates for many consumers a rampart to buying organic foods Unclear aspect Environmental contamination (heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, aromatic hydrocarbons) can be similar in organic and conventional crops, because the impact of industrial, transport and communal sources is similar on organic and conventional farms located in the same area Bacterial (mainly Salmonella and Campylobacter)Contamination can sometimes be higher in organic produce, but scienti?c evidence of this is still not clear Mycotoxins can grime both organic and conventional foods, but scienti? c data are contradictory The impact of organic food consumption on human health and wellbeing remains essentially unknown in spite of some positive indications, so the subject needs further study 2 3 4 was probably associated with a higher content of dry matter in their ? esh, resulting in less(prenominal) extensive decay and decomposition. Lower losses in organic production have not only nutritive but also economic bene? ts.In conventional systems, high yields are produced but signi?cant losses during storage reduce the economic bene? ts. CONCLUSIONS Recent food crises (BSE, foot and mouth disease, food contamination by dioxins, toxic fungi, Salmonella and Campylobacter bacteria) have caused consumers to look for more authentic and safer foods. Organic food production is widely recognised as being more friendly to the environment, more controlled and better for animal welfare. On the other hand, many data indicate that a lot of food contaminants have their source in conventional methods of agriculture, animal production and food processing.The negative effect of the continuing enthusiastic use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides in agricultur e is potentially huge. Therefore safer methods of agricultural production, mostly organic methods, are very important. Studies conducted in various countries have indicated several positive attributes of organic plant J Sci Food Agric 8727572762 (2007) DOI 10. 1002/jsfa products (Table 3) but also a few negative and unclear aspects (Table 4). To summarise the positives, organic food should be recommended for all, but especially for young babies, pregnant and breast-feeding women, elderly and chronically ill people and vegetarians.The last group simply consumes a lot of vegetables, which can contain too high levels of carcinogenic substances when produced conventionally. The lower content of nitrates and higher content of phenolic compounds and vitamin C in organic crops are especially important for health. Nitrates are easily converted in the digestive tract into poisonous nitrites, which are the precursors of carcinogenic nitrosamines. 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